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住宿 Villa

villa一詞源於義大利貴族在鄉間的渡假別墅,在今日已成為世界大小渡假勝地精緻、慢活、享樂旅程不可或缺的旅行重點,而Design villa更是能展露設計師對人性需求的洞察、對環境的保護,對美學的獨到見解。

福灣將villa區設定為體貼舒適、符合人性的Design villa,以白色為基調,低姿態地融入週遭魚塭與紅樹林,參考巴里島民居的格局,將廚房與客廳放置於涼亭內,以涼亭為優閒生活的中心。 




The word "villa" comes from Italian aristocrat's vacation house in the countryside. Today, it means a sophisticated resort, full of enjoyment and a must-have for a vacation. A design villa is a chance for our designer to demonstrate his insight into living needs, environmental protection and aesthetics.

Fuwan has designed it's villa area with careful consideration and comfort in mind. Our design are mainly white, low-profile buildings that integrate into the surrounding ponds and groves. Our design is influenced by Bali island houses, often with the kitchen and the living room placed outside the building. 

We used Taiwanese cypress wood, Indian black stone, and guanyin stones to design our bath tub. When wet, the cypress wood releases phytoncide, whose smell can help regulate the nervous system and reduce fatigue.

Following the sustainable building practices, our villa has low roof shading effects, gravel roofing insulation effects, and double roof ventilation and airflow. The natural flow of the air creates a temperature that is below 27 ℃. And the use of high-tech loop heat pump systems, air-conditioning and hot water systems let us save 3/4ths on traditional systems electricity usage.

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